fractions of a second | metric name |
0,000 000 000 000 000 000 000 001 | yoctosecond [ ys ] |
0,000 000 000 000 000 000 001 | zeptosecond [ zs ] |
0,000 000 000 000 000 001 | attosecond [ as ] |
0,000 000 000 000 001 | femtosecond [ fs ] |
0,000 000 000 001 [ trillionth ] | picosecond [ ps ] |
0,000 000 001 [ billionth ] | nanosecond [ ns ] |
0,000 001 [ millionth ] | microsecond [ _µ_s ] |
0,001 [ thousandth ] | millisecond [ ms ] |
0.01 [ hundredth ] | centisecond [ cs ] |
1.0 | second [ s ] |
seconds to years | |
60 seconds | = 1 minute [ mean solar ] |
59.83617 seconds | = 1 minute [ sidereal ] |
60 minutes | = 1 hour |
24 hours | = 1 day |
3,600 seconds | = 1 hour |
86,400 seconds | = 1 day [ mean solar ] |
86,164.09 seconds | = 1 day [ sidereal ] |
7 days | = 1 week |
168 hours | = 1 week |
14 days | = 1 fortnight |
28, 29, 30 or 31 days | = 1 month |
365 days | = 1 year |
366 days | = 1 leap year |
12 months | = 1 year |
31,536,000 seconds | = 1 year [ calendar ] |
31,558,150 seconds | = 1 year [ sidereal ] |
31,556,930 seconds | = 1 year [ tropical ] |
9,460,550,000,000,000 metres | = 1 light year |
299,792,458 metres per second ( m/s ) | = speed of light |
parsec | = approx. 3.25 light years |
year intervals - anniversaries | number of years |
Biennial | 2 |
Triennial | 3 |
Quadrennial | 4 |
Quinquennial | 5 |
Hexennial * | 6 |
Septennial | 7 |
Octennial | 8 |
Novennial | 9 |
Decennial | 10 |
Hendecennial * | 11 |
Duodecennial | 12 |
Tredecennial * | 13 |
Quindecennial | 15 |
Sextodecennial * | 16 |
Septendecennial | 17 |
Vigintennial * | 20 |
Trigentennial * | 30 |
Quadragennial | 40 |
Quinquagenary | 50 |
Sexagennial * | 60 |
Septuagennial * | 70 |
Septuagesiquintennial * | 75 |
Octogintennial * | 80 |
Nonagintennial * | 90 |
Centennial | 100 |
Quasquicentennial | 125 |
Sesquicentennial | 150 |
Terquasquicentennial or Septaquintaquinquecentennial * | 175 |
Bicentennial | 200 |
Quasquibicentennial * | 225 |
Semiquincentennial * | 250 |
Tercentennial | 300 |
Semiseptcentennial * | 350 |
Quatercentenary | 400 |
Quincentennial | 500 |
Sexcentennial * | 600 |
Septcentennial * | 700 |
Octocentennial | 800 |
Millenial | 1,000 |
Quindecimillenial | 15,000 |