最近在 阮老师博客 看到一款这个 GCOP,一个基于 LLM 的 Git 提交消息生成和 Git 工作流程优化工具,试用了一下确实不错。接入 LLM 即可自动分析 git 修改生成 commit 消息,比我之前做的 git-commit 生成器好用多了。
GCOP (Git Copilot) 是一个 Git 智能助手,它使用 AI 来自动生成 Git 提交消息,帮助开发者优化 Git 工作流程。
- 智能提交消息:自动分析代码变更,生成高质量、定制化的提交消息,并提供多种细粒度配置,确保团队提交标准的一致性
- 灵活的 AI 集成:支持配置各种 LLM 模型(如 OpenAI GPT、Claude、Deepseek 等)
- 简化的 Git 命令:内置 20+ 直观的 Git 快捷操作和命令,提供直观的命令别名,如
git c
用于 AI 辅助提交,优化 Git 工作流程 - 无缝工作流集成:增强现有 Git 工作流程,无需改变使用习惯
🎨 高度可定制化体验
- 提供全局配置和项目级配置,配置项目特定设置,确保团队标准的一致性
- 设计专属提交模板以匹配项目需求
- 通过自定义提示优化 git message 的风格
⚡ 流畅的开发者体验
- 内置 20+ 直观的 Git 快捷操作和命令,智能别名让复杂的 Git 操作轻而易举
- 支持各种 LLM 模型(OpenAI、Anthropic、Deepseek 等)
- 零配置集成至现有的 Git 工作流
📚 智能学习能力
- 自动学习您的代码库提交历史
- 随时间适应团队的提交习惯
- 通过持续学习提升信息质量
项目完全开源,使用 MIT 协议,基于 Python 开发。
Github: https://github.com/Undertone0809/gcop
官网: https://gcop.zeeland.top/
安装配置参考官网 Quick Start Guide 即可,mac 下可以结合 conda 安装,之后大概按照这样配置:
model_name: openai/gpt-4o-mini
api_key: sk-xxxx
api_base: https://api.xxx.io/v1
(base) songtianlun@songtianlundeMacBook-Air sample_rails_app % git ac
[Code diff]
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index afd85fd..daa7023 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -37,3 +37,5 @@
[On Ready] Generating commit message...
[Thought] The changes involve the removal of several .idea configuration files and the
addition of .idea to the .gitignore file. This indicates a cleanup of IDE-specific files
that are not necessary for version control, which can help reduce clutter in the repository.
[Generated commit message]
chore: remove IDE configuration files
- Deleted .idea/misc.xml, .idea/modules.xml, and .idea/sample_rails_app.iml files
- Added .idea to .gitignore to prevent future IDE files from being tracked
This commit cleans up the repository by removing IDE-specific configuration files that are
not needed for the project. It also ensures that any future IDE files will be ignored,
keeping the repository clean and focused on the actual project code.
? Do you want to commit the changes with this message? yes
[main d86005c] chore: remove IDE configuration files
6 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 373 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 .idea/.gitignore
delete mode 100644 .idea/misc.xml
delete mode 100644 .idea/modules.xml
delete mode 100644 .idea/sample_rails_app.iml
delete mode 100644 .idea/vcs.xml
(base) songtianlun@songtianlundeMacBook-Air sample_rails_app % git push
$ git ghelp
/opt/homebrew/Caskroom/miniconda/base/lib/python3.12/site-packages/pydantic/_internal/_config.py:345: UserWarning: Valid config keys have changed in V2:
* 'fields' has been removed
warnings.warn(message, UserWarning)
gcop is your local git command copilot
Version: 1.7.3
GitHub: https://github.com/Undertone0809/gcop
git p Push the changes to the remote repository
git pf Push the changes to the remote repository with force
git undo Undo the last commit but keep the file changes
git ghelp Add command into git config
git gconfig Open the config file in the default editor
git gcommit Generate a git commit message based on the staged changes and commit the
git c The same as `git gcommit` command
git ac The same as `git add . && git gcommit` command
git acp The same as `git add . && git gcommit && git push` command
git cp The same as `git gcommit && git push` command
git amend Amend the last commit, allowing you to modify the commit message or add
changes to the previous commit
git info Display basic information about the current git repository
改好代码之后 git ac && git push